Click on links below for assistance:
If you know your password, you can change it at ANYTIME here
Password complexity for students grades 3-12:
The password must contain characters from three of the following categories:
- Uppercase letters (A through Z)
- Lowercase letters (a through z)
- 8 digits
- Non-alphanumeric characters (special characters): (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)
- Password history will be to ten (10).Students will not be able to use any of the previous 10 passwords they have used.
Password complexity for students grades K-2:
- Password that will be at least six (6) characters long
- Password history will be at least one (1). Password history means they will not be able to use the same password every time (or at least not the very last one they had).