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Rotary Adopts Comfort Closets at Four HCSD Schools

Posted Date: 11/01/24 (3:37 PM)

(November 1, 2024) – We are proud of our partnership with the Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove, and here’s another excellent example of how much the Rotary cares about students in the Harrison County School District. This year, the Rotary adopted Comfort Closets at the following HCSD schools: 

  • River Oaks Elementary 
  • Crossroads Elementary
  • Harrison Central Elementary
  • West Harrison High
Comfort Closets are free stores that offer students access to basic needs. Students will have the opportunity to visit the Comfort Closet with the assistance of their school social worker or counselor. The goal is to provide students with items that may not be available outside of school, remove the burden of fitting in, and promote a culture of giving in our community and among our students. The Comfort Closet will be stocked with donated items and entirely funded by contributions. Individuals, churches, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to participate by providing approved items.
Since early October, Rotary representatives Stephen Howard and Harry Piascik have dropped off several large bags of brand-new clothing items, personal hygiene products, and other necessities at all four schools. Funding for the program comes from a Rotary District 6840 Grant and the Christmas for Kids Project annual fundraiser. Each school will receive $500 for the fall semester to shop for clothing and supplies for students in need, and each will receive another $500 during the spring semester.
We cannot thank the Rotary members enough for their kindness, generosity, and dedication to ensuring our students have clothing, personal hygiene products, and other necessities to learn and thrive.